Benefits of Yoga

We wanted to give you a bit more information about the benefits of yoga and what it can do for your body and your mind.

Yogi Colorado - mountain top

1. Yoga improves flexibility, strength, and balance.

Doing yoga is good for your physical well-being! Increased blood flow, muscle stretching and strength are just a few of the benefits.

2. Yoga helps you achieve your weight loss goals.

Aside from the obvious calorie burning gains from vinyasa and sculpt classes, even practicing restorative yoga helps you lose and weight and trim belly fat: link to study.

3. Yoga helps you manage stress, which in turn gives lots of health benefits.

Mindfulness is a huge part of your physical and mental health. While practicing yoga can reduce your stress level, this can lead to gains in every area of your health!

4. Yoga assists with sleep.

The term 'pranayama' is a yoga phrase that refers to the breathing techniques used during yoga practice. This type of breathing stimulates your vagus nerve. This nerve affects your parasympathetic nervous system, which controls your body's rest function and helps you get better sleep.

5. Yoga can give you energy and lead to better moods.

After a yoga session, your mental and physical energy, alertness, and enthusiasm may increase. Negative feelings may also decrease after establishing a yoga routine (Source).

Man poses in reversed warrior on the beach.

6. Yoga relieves chronic pain.

Studies have show that yoga has relieved pain from arthritis, chronic low-back pain, pain caused from fibromyalgia and other types of pain.

7. Yoga reduces inflammation.

A indicator of future illness is chronic inflammation. Heart disease, crohn's disease, diabetes and arthritis are just a few conditions specifically related to inflammation. A 2018 study review concluded that yoga reduced the biochemical markers of inflammation.

We can't wait to practice with you again and for you to see all that yoga can do to improve your quality of life, physical and mental well-being!

Namaste - Yogi Colorado


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