This class is geared towards kids from 1st grade to 5th grade. We will explore movement, posing, breathwork and even mediation in a kid-friendly environment!
The class is being led by Annette Hullender. Annette has lots of experience with kids from both private and classroom music teaching, kids theatre, summer camps, sports programs and more, so you kids are in good hands!
We are located in Aurora, near the intersection of Hampden and Chambers at 15200 E Girard Avenue, Suite 2700, Aurora, CO 80014.
How to Sign Up
First, you’ll need to register for a free kids membership. Simply click on the button below, make sure you click ‘yes’ are the ‘Are you a Guardian’ Question and fill out your information there.
2. Once you are registered, you are ready to sign up for specific classes! Our kids yoga program is not progressive, so you can bring your kid whenever you are free and have no fear of skipping a class, because they’ll be able to jump right back in! To sign up for classes, download the Zen Planner app: Download on Iphone Download on Google Play
3. When you completed Step 1, you should have received a password into your e-mail address from Zen Planner. Find your password (or e-mail me to reset it for you) and log into the Zen Planner App. Once you are logged in, navigate to the date of the class(es) you want to sign up for and simply click ‘reserve!’ We do have a cap on attendance, so make sure to reserve early!